by Vicki Black | Health, Motivation, Workouts & Exercise |
There are only 30 days until Christmas! I know, it’s THAT close! I’m really trying not to think about it because it just reminds me that I have not come anywhere near finishing my Christmas shopping! And you know that goal you had of losing a dress size... by Vicki Black | Workouts & Exercise
If you are like me you are always looking for something a different workout to change things around. So, I thought I would share the workout I did today … and I subjected had my circuit class do this week! It’s a quickie .. only 20 minutes!No equipment... by Vicki Black | Motivation, Workouts & Exercise
You know that feeling when you just don’t feel like going for your run, or doing your workout .. or even choosing a piece of fruit over that chocolate bar that is screaming for you to eat it? Discipline … Yep, I feel like that sometimes too! We all do! OK,... by Vicki Black | Workouts & Exercise
There’s only so many times that you can use the excuse that you can’t fit your workout in because it’s school holidays … You just have to make the time and sometimes think outside of the box … or maybe just outside, at the playground, or... by Vicki Black | Workouts & Exercise
Do you “eat clean”? Do you know what “eating clean” is all about?There is so much hype about different types of “diets” and how you can lose 30lbs in the blink of an eye that it really is just confusing. To be honest, I just... by Vicki Black | Workouts & Exercise |
This week seems to have gone by quickly! I started out the week with lots of grand plans to do this and that … now it’s Friday and many of those plans that I had seem to have been brushed aside. Ooops! I did manage to get some things done. All the...