by Vicki Black | Workouts & Exercise |
It’s almost half way through July. And half way through the “No Junk July” challenge, so it’s time for an update. There have been moments that I have been happy about my actions in regard to the challenge over the last two weeks, and there have... by Vicki Black | Workouts & Exercise |
I’m writing this post as I sit here a sweaty mess from today’s workout .. in the garage again.It’s the last day of school holidays which means I don’t get to spend too much extra time at the gym fitting in my workout. So, I’m making do... by Vicki Black | Health, Workouts & Exercise
Core strength, core function, core stability … I know you’ve heard of it. It gets bandied around a bit by fitness professionals about how important it is. You are probably doing your bit to strengthen it, but are you doing the right exercises? Are you... by Vicki Black | Workouts & Exercise |
I’ve been a bit slack with my updates of late .. busy, not enough sleep … no excuses really …This week’s training really was my usual. I’m certainly no athlete training for an hour or more each day. I’m just an everyday person who... by Vicki Black | Workouts & Exercise
OK .. I’m a few days late .. again time seems to have buzzed by on the weekend and I’m sure I missed some of it … Last week was a bit hit and miss with training, which I am a bit disappointed about, but as I mentioned in my last post, I listen to my... by Vicki Black | Workouts & Exercise
And so I have made it to the end of another week! I followed pretty much the same training routine that I have followed for the last 2 weeks. I increased the intensity just a little bit in two of the workouts. I’m really taking it easy and not increasing the...