Is this you? * Don’t seem to have enough energy to get everything done … * Your motivation just isn’t what it used to be … * You are lacking a bit of confidence in yourself and your ability make the lifestyle changes you would like to … *...
The first month of winter is done! I don’t do winter very well. Eating well, exercising regularly seem to just not happen as often. I would much prefer to curl up in a ball until the days get longer and at least a little bit warmer! Speaking of warmer, how...
I’ll let you in on a little secret. There are times when I just don’t feel like exercising. I don’t mean a hard ass session at the gym, I mean even a little jog around the block. Maybe the motivation just isn’t there … I’m a bit...
The Easter holiday break is almost done! Did you have a relaxing break? Did you overeat? Lots of chocolate, eating, roast lamb, champagne and maybe more chocolate? A workout or two? I stuck to my plan .. I worked out 3 out of 4 days and yes, I’m feeling...
Do you need a workout that you can do at home? This is a quick one to get your heart rate up! Don’t forget to do a warm up before and stretch after. Let me know how you go! Vic x
What are your favourite excuses for not getting the results you want? Don’t tell me you don’t have one, because if you are completely honest, I bet you do! I have heard dozens of excuses … I have used several myself over the years for not sticking to my healthy...