by Vicki Black | Motivation, Nutrition & Food
When you hear the word “diet” do you cringe and immediately think … deprived of food, boring food, not enough food, hungry all the time? *Note .. personally I don’t like to use the word diet with my clients .. I don’t like the negative... by Vicki Black | Motivation
Are you getting totally frustrated that you just can’t seem to lose weight no matter how hard you try? All the conflicting advice just gets so confusing! You eat healthy foods the majority of the time, you exercise regularly but the scales are not reflecting all the... by Vicki Black | Health, Motivation, Workouts & Exercise
Are you wanting to improve your health & fitness? But you’re not sure how to get started … I might be able to help you with that! Just get started! Yeah, I know, it’s not as easy as that is it?! Are your excuses are starting to sound old? You... by Vicki Black | Health, Miscellaneous, Motivation
This Saturday just gone Miss 13 and I headed off to check out the Utopia Women’s Wellness Festival. This day was everything Women’s Health & Fitness. There were health & wellness products to try and buy ( I was restrained ) .. and there were speakers on... by Vicki Black | Health, Motivation, Workouts & Exercise
The weather is getting warmer and it’s nearly time to start removing a few of those clothes layers that kept us under cover during winter. Yep, summer frocks and swimwear weather is nearly here! Are you ready to take those layers off? Do you need to burn off that... by Vicki Black | Miscellaneous, Motivation
The warmer weather is on it’s way and Spring is almost here! Yay! This is the perfect time to get started, if you haven’t already, on your summer body. Spring signifies new life so why not get a few new things happening in your life in Spring … like...