by Vicki Black | Motivation |
I know, you’ve heard it all before.But it’s so hard to wake up when it’s cold and dark and get out to do your workout … This is why I’m thinking this way this week …Maybe I can fool myself into thinking it’s not that cold and... by Vicki Black | Miscellaneous, Motivation
I mentioned a week or so ago that I don’t really like running in the rain. Well, maybe I should just get used to it. The weather here, again, is rather dismal, one minute it’s just gorgeous and sunny and the next there is a downpour. It’s rather... by Vicki Black | Motivation, Nutrition & Food, Workouts & Exercise
Well it’s that time of the week again when I sit down to plan the week .. well sort of. In my house, things don’t always to go plan but I like to think that I can control something, sometimes. Really, the only thing that I do like to have thought out to a... by Vicki Black | Health, Motivation, Running, Workouts & Exercise
Back from holidays .. back to reality. It’s nice to get away, not feel the pressure of timeframes or routines. I even managed to toddle off for a run almost every day. A run along the beach is a great change of scenery and certainly makes it easier to push... by Vicki Black | Motivation
Well, it’s finally 2011 .. a New Year. A fresh page on which to make your mark. There seems to be quite the flock of people taking to the tracks around our area presumably fulfilling their New Years resolutions of including some exercise into their daily...