by Vicki Black | Health, Motivation, Workouts & Exercise |
Hasn’t the last week flown by! The week was unusually busy with Miss 11’s end of year dance concert. Which of course means that I am running to and from dance rehearsals and not getting home until rather late. My challenge last week was to make sure that... by Vicki Black | Health, Motivation, Workouts & Exercise |
There are only 30 days until Christmas! I know, it’s THAT close! I’m really trying not to think about it because it just reminds me that I have not come anywhere near finishing my Christmas shopping! And you know that goal you had of losing a dress size... by Vicki Black | Motivation
I know! Can you believe it! I’ve started back the Monday Motivation posts!Have a great week! Make the most of all your opportunities! by Vicki Black | Motivation, Workouts & Exercise
You know that feeling when you just don’t feel like going for your run, or doing your workout .. or even choosing a piece of fruit over that chocolate bar that is screaming for you to eat it? Discipline … Yep, I feel like that sometimes too! We all do! OK,... by Vicki Black | Motivation |
Phew! We made it through another week and weekend! What did you get up to on the weekend? Did it involve some outdoor activity? Here in Brisbane, Saturday was a gorgeous day but my only outdoor activity consisted of watching Miss 11’s netball. They played a... by Vicki Black | Motivation
Source: via Vicki on Pinterest What are you going to do everyday? Vicki...