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Completely Random Post …

I don’t know about you but I follow, or try to follow quite a few blogs.  I do love reading what other people are up to and yes I do find inspiration and motivation from many people.  I have previously followed these blogs through Google Reader but this will be...

Monday Motivation …

We all have busy lives these days. Are you too busy to include healthy habits in your life? I don’t just mean exercise either .. healthy habits include keeping a close eye on the balance in your diet and lifestyle.What is one thing that you could do this week to...

Some exciting-ish news from me!

Most of you who know me as Fit Mum know that my “day” job is as a Personal Trainer.  The last few years I have been working at a gym with some wonderful people and gorgeous clients, however at the end of last year I resigned and decided that I was going to...