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The Effect of Overdoing It

You know those people that go to the gym every day who are intent on building a muscle right then and there … or they do a high intensity class and then head out to the treadmill for another 45 minutes sweat session? I sometimes wonder if these people are really...

Is Stress Hindering Your Weight Loss Efforts?

Hands up who feels stressed on the regular? Stressed right now? Rest assured you’re not the only one! As you are aware stress is a feeling you experience, and there are different types of stress ( mental, physical, emotional ). With any type of stress (...

Stay Healthy & Avoid Winter Weight Gain

We are a week or so into winter where I am right now and the temperature is certainly dropping! I don’t like winter, cold, dark mornings and I can never seem to find enough layers to keep me warm .. think Michelin man cos that’s how I feel! With winter...