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It’s cold right?

You have no motivation to exercise?

You are only craving carbs and comfort food?

But, you are still annoyed that you have a “winter coat” around your middle … and you really want it gone by summer?

Then it’s time to start doing something about it NOW!  Think about the clothes you will want to wear come summer ( in 4 months by the way ).  Are you going to be happy to reveal your body in far less fabric than you are wearing now?

I agree with you that the cold days are terribly unmotivating but if you get moving now and start making some more healthy food choices then come summer you will feel great and look great too!

If you need a little extra motivation ( or a kick in the butt ) then join in one of my small group training classes.  Ladies who have the same goals as you motivating each other and getting the results they want!

There is a maximum of 8 in the group sessions so grab a friend and book in for a fun, challenging workout and start work on your summer body NOW!

Ascent Health & Fitness