At the end of last month I came across an article that suggested that women over 30 who did not exercise were at the greatest risk of heart disease.
Most of us will admit that we probably should be doing more exercise than we allot ourselves time for … I’ll put my hand up and admit that there are some weeks that I don’t get the recommended “150 minutes of moderately intense physical exercise each week”.
Are you willing to admit that you aren’t getting enough exercise? Why not? I have honestly heard so many excuses that none will really surprise me now, other than their creativity! Which ones are in your arsenal?
Time poor, work, kids / family, lack of motivation, lazy, scared ??
Along with the knowledge that we really should be doing more exercise than we do, we also know that physical inactivity can lead to a whole range of health issues … and this doesn’t include all the extra costs that might occur as you visit the doctor, physio, chiro etc more often.
Physical activity on the other hand can lead to a whole range of health benefits … these are some of my favourites … improved quality of life, more energy, improved strength and fitness, looking good, feeling great, reduced risk of injury and illness, better sleep, reduced risk of diseases such as osteoporosis, high blood pressure and the list goes on!
What do the experts recommend? Here is a link to one of the articles.
Moderately intense physical activity for a minimum of 150 minutes each week. Basically you need to move to the point you are getting huffy puffy and a bit sweaty too for 30 minutes 5 days a week! Not just for next week though, this recommendation requires your commitment and consistency. This activity should also be something where by you are increasing your energy expenditure and improving your physical fitness .. easy right!! Now you just need to decide what you do … walk, run, weights, dancing, swimming, bike riding, boxing … find something that you really enjoy and it will be so much easier and more enjoyable!
Now it’s up to you … how are you going to make time for your health? How will you make time for physical activity that will help you feel great?
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