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Hasn’t the last week flown by! The week was unusually busy with Miss 11’s end of year dance concert.  Which of course means that I am running to and from dance rehearsals and not getting home until rather late.  My challenge last week was to make sure that I had healthy meals prepped  that could be reheated at a moments notice … the slow cooker assumed a position on my kitchen counter all week!  Healthy snacks were also on stand by to be tucked into lunch boxes or handbags.

I had another reason to be super strict last week … we had a family Thanksgiving dinner on Saturday night … oh the food! It was delicious but you will be pleased to know that I didn’t overdo it!

How did you go in the first week of your Christmas Body Blast challenge?

Changing in ways you would never imagine

So we are up to Week 2!  Are you ready to add a few extra challenges into your week?  No panic though, all your challenges must be able to fit in with your current lifestyle.  If it doesn’t then the chances of those changes sticking just isn’t going to happen!

Week 2  30 Day Christmas Body Blast

Healthy Mind Challenge    Last week our challenge was to banish negative thoughts and replace them with positive thoughts.  How did you go?  Honestly, I’m still working on this one.  It’s going to be a work in progress!

This week, I challenge you to get some more sleep!  Easier said than done right, especially at the moment with all your social engagements.  Let’s work on those nights that you are at home.  On those nights try to get yourself organised so that you can down tools by 9pm .. that means kitchen clean up done, emails etc finalised and tomorrows to do list planned.  Then sit down and relax or take a shower … bed by 9.30pm!  Your mind and body will thank you in the morning!  And imagine how much extra energy you will have by the end of the week .. you might even by able to think straight! Or is that just me??

Movement Challenge     Did you manage to fit in 15 minutes of activity at least 5 days last week?  I only managed 4 days, however if you count the 3 hours Christmas shopping I did, there’s 5 days?? Ok, I’ll work a bit harder this week.

This week’s change up will be to add something a bit more high intensity to your usual walk / jog.  If you are a walker, add 30 seconds of jogging to your walk, not just once either, add a couple in! Even if you walk for 4 1/2 minutes then jog for 30 seconds and do this 4 times, it will make a difference to your fitness!  If you are a jogger, pick up the pace every so often or add some quick sprints.  The faster turnover of your legs will build your strength, fitness and it will help quicken your “usual” running pace!

Healthy Eating Challenge     I know that you made lots of healthy food choices this week and ate lots of fresh, whole foods that will make you feel great!  This week let’s be conscious of one of the biggest weaknesses in most people’s healthy eating endeavours … carbohydrates.  And by these I mean cakes, lollies, biscuits, bread, pasta etc … the ones that are just too easy to eat!  Your challenge this week is to make a conscious effort to cut back on these carbohydrates … replace them with fresh fruit, veggies and some protein.  This will help you feel fuller and eliminate that slump you may feel later in the day.

Too easy right?  When you make small changes to your diet and lifestyle it is much easier to stick with your new routine and you will likely stick with the routine for longer .. making it into your new lifestyle choices!

Think that the small changes don’t work … don’t be fooled, every change you make is a change that will improve your health!

Let’s keep blasting away at our body before Christmas and make sure you let me know how you are going!