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Well, it’s finally 2011 .. a New Year.  A fresh page on which to make your mark.  There seems to be quite the flock of people taking to the tracks around our area presumably fulfilling their New Years resolutions of including some exercise into their daily routine.  I wish them luck in their endeavours and I do hope that they achieve what they have set out to do.

What are your health and fitness goals for 2011? Or haven’t you thought about it yet? I have been asking my clients what their health and fitness goals for this year are going to be … some are clear cut and down the line, others are straying a bit so hopefully everyone will stay close to on track!

My goals for the year … 1 maintain the balance between my family, working and keeping on track with my training … 2 complete the Gold Coast 1/2 marathon again with another PB! ( Kind of looking forward to that one even though I’m not a big fan of the training sometimes )

I think that the best way to have success with your resolutions or goals for this year is to keep them kind of short term.  That way you get to experience that sense of achievement and that in itself is motivation to keep improving and working harder!

Be committed and do your best … it’s your choice you just have to make it!!

Keep up the hard work

Fit Mum x