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It’s that time of year again .. party season! I love this time of year but I admit that I have to work extra hard to make sure that I don’t overdo it. The scales and my clothes certainly show the “fruits of my labour” when I don’t keep a close reign on the food and drinks!

While it’s not necessarily the easiest time of year to lose weight, if you are committed and consistent … it is absolutely possible to maintain your health & fitness over this time with a little extra planning & effort.

Here are my tips to survive the party season and feel fabulous and ready for the new year! I’m not going to elaborate too much because the tips really are self explanatory


Exercise through the holidays … 

Exercise early in the morning before the busy of the day gets out of control … you won’t feel like it later and that smug feeling knowing you have already done your workout is so motivating!

Get creative if you aren’t able to get in your usual workout … body weight & circuit type workouts you can do at home can be quick & incredibly effective. I post a workout each week that you can do at home and they are super quick so keep an eye out!

Don’t stress if you have to miss a workout because things are getting a little crazy. It can happen, I know it’s probably your sanity break so take a breath and make sure you make time for it the next day.

Choose bang for your buck workouts .. these are my favourite in busy times. They don’t take long and can certainly pack a punch! HIIT workout burns lots of calories fast and strength training doesn’t need to take hours to maintain muscle.

Get out and walk as often as you can … extra movement is good! Good for your body, and good for your mind!
Exercise is not punishment for enjoying food. Exercise for enjoyment, sanity, the health benefits not to punish yourself!

Eating over the holidays …

Drink lots of water .. it will keep you hydrated in this heat & keep you feeling full and not looking for all the really good Christmas treats! Aim for 2l each day.

One indulgent meal itself won’t cause you to put on extra kilos … one month, yes.
Make veggies, salads and lean protein your first choice
Choose your option wisely .. check out what is on offer before you make your first choice. See above.
Have a snack before going out .. it will help you avoid that starving feeling when you arrive and possibly avoid the bread basket! I usually go for an apple but a little serve of yoghurt & berries would be perfect.
Always have a healthy balanced breakfast. Muesli with berries or some overnight oats are a great way to start the day.
Don’t make a big deal if you have a big night out .. just get back to your healthy eating the next day. There is nothing wrong with enjoying a night of good food and company!
No guilt, no regrets .. move on! See note above
Most importantly, enjoy the holidays and stay safe! Don’t forget to register for my emails so you don’t miss any hints, tips or workouts over the holidays! Register here