Things are starting to return to normal programming in the Fit Mum house.
The kids started back school .. No tears from anyone!
I’m still working on my training schedule and figuring out what is going to work best for me this year. I haven’t planned anything specific yet in the way of health and fitness goals but there are a few ideas forming.
This week my exercise looked like this …
Monday Easy run of about 5km .. Note to me .. Recharge battery on running
watch …
Tuesday 30 minutes of yoga .. I am really enjoying yoga at the moment. I’m
even starting to get some flexibility back after returning from holidays
super stiff!
Wednesday It’s raining (still) so no run outside for me. Instead I did a quick weights
workout after work. My first session back after nearly 2 months off .. I
was easy on myself as I wanted to be able to move for the next 4 days!
Thursday Australia Day. Would you believe it stopped raining! Family walk
planned up Spider Hill. It was great to be out in the fresh air doing some
exercise and the kids loved it!
Friday Raining again so my run was moved inside to the treadmill after work.
Not my favourite but I had a great run!
Saturday Nothing on the agenda today other than running around to various kids
sign on activities! Ah, yes, the return of Saturday sport is looming!
Pretty happy with my efforts last week. Not sure yet what I’m going to plan for this coming week but rest assured I will keep active!
Let me know what you have planned for the week. Have you scheduled your training and will stick to it?
Remember, a little bit is better than nothing!
Fit Mum x