I’ve been a bit slack with my updates of late .. busy, not enough sleep … no excuses really …
This week’s training really was my usual. I’m certainly no athlete training for an hour or more each day. I’m just an everyday person who manages a workout between running after the kids, working .. and the cold dark mornings! Good thing I don’t train mornings much or it would never get done!
Monday is my day to run with my friend. This is my cold, dark morning. We head out at 5.45am so that we get back in time to beg the children to get ready for school in time, all while getting ready for work. My fingers were frozen this morning, even after the run I could barely move them!
Tuesday I teach boxing class in the evening so I use this as my workout. I get out there with the class and do the cardio and strength intervals during the class. Between that and instructing it’s not too bad! I’ve been a bit slack lately and haven’t been doing yoga in the mornings .. could be something to do with the warm bed …
Wednesday mornings Mr FitMum and Miss 10 head out for their morning run so I force myself onto a treadmill after work. This is tough somedays so I try to do something that’s fun and I’ll get a bit of a bang for my buck so to speak. Intervals. Run / walk intervals. I do end up with a few 200m sprints at the end but by that stage I’m into it so it’s all good!
Thursday is PT day. I haven’t trained for 2 weeks so this one was a bit ugly .. and tough. Let me say that I’m still feeling it 2 days later ..
Friday .. Rest day!
Saturday morning I get out for a run with my friend again. This morning we managed a 6.5km run through the bush. We haven’t done this one for a while and it was a great feeling! The feeling in my fingers is gradually returning and my typing is getting a little better!
There you have it, my exercise week. I’m now heading off to the usual Saturday sport with the kids!
How did your workouts for the week go? Or have you still got your weekend workouts to fit in?
Have a great weekend whatever you are doing!