As you may have gathered from my last few posts the kids went back to school this week.
Even though the kids aren’t at home now I’m still trying to get into a routine, surely it will happen soon!
One thing about back to school that really gets me scratching my head …no it’s not head lice! What do I pack in the school l lunches and snacks each day?
Of course I have criteria .. It must be healthy, nutritious, the kids need to eat it and it needs to keep them full so they don’t come home and eat everything in the pantry!! It also has to be portable .. afterschool snacks might need to be carried around to training, dancing or any of the other activities I find myself driving the kids to after school.
Here’s some ideas that feed I my hungry little people …
So what do you feed your kids for lunches and after school? Share on the comments here so that we can all use your ideas!!
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