Are you getting totally frustrated that you just can’t seem to lose weight no matter how hard you try? All the conflicting advice just gets so confusing!
You eat healthy foods the majority of the time, you exercise regularly but the scales are not reflecting all the hard work you are putting in?
You have even tried drinking “skinny teas”, fasting, and juice detoxes and nothing seems to work.
I get it! It is so frustrating! It is almost like the health & fitness industry is conspiring against you to keep you spending more money on crap products that don’t actually work.
I’ll let you in on a little tip though .. none of the “latest” teas, detoxes, diets or shakes are going to help you long term.
You might see some initial results which is incredibly exciting, but maintaining this can get tricky after the first week or two.
That’s when you start to get annoyed because you don’t have time to prep a certain meal, you go out on the weekend and can’t have your usual tea, shake, food .. or you start to get hungry all the time because you aren’t eating enough!
Now is the time to stop and think about what you really need to do to get the results you want. Following the latest Insta-celeb and their weight loss tips obviously isn’t working for you.
Spending a heap of money on strange concoctions clearly isn’t working either other than throwing your money at someone else.
There are so many different things that you can try to get the results you want .. without giving up certain foods, starving yourself or buying the latest “skinny” product.
It all starts with remembering that you are an individual!
What works for others may not work for you.
Taking your time and finding out what actually works for you is going to be the best way for you to lose weight, get fitter and stronger … imagine it’s like running a marathon .. you can’t just run 42.2km after training for 2 weeks!
But with the right mindset, knowledge, support, encouragement and motivation you can absolutely achieve your weight loss goals.
And I can be there to help you! When you join my women’s only fitness group, you get access to recipes, workouts, support & encouragement .. everything you need to be the fitter, stronger & more confident .. to love your body!
I have worked with lots of women and tried lots of different things myself so I have heaps of practical advice and tips that actually work!
I understand exactly what it is you are after … honest advice and information about what works and what doesn’t … and how to make it happen!
Find out more information here … Ascent Health & Fitness Members Only