The Easter holiday break is almost done! Did you have a relaxing break? Did you overeat? Lots of chocolate, eating, roast lamb, champagne and maybe more chocolate? A workout or two?
I stuck to my plan .. I worked out 3 out of 4 days and yes, I’m feeling it in a few places. Tomorrow may not be pretty after today’s workout either! My healthy eating was mostly healthy. I kept an eye on my portion sizes which means I didn’t really overeat too much. I admit I probably had a few more glasses of champagne than I should have … and yes, I ate chocolate easter eggs, and I have more than a few left over! Now to work out how to not eat them over the next week!!
Did you get lots of chocolate? Have you eaten all of it? What will you be doing with the stuff you haven’t eaten? Will you toss it out? ( Yeah, right!! ) Or are you going to keep eating until they are all gone?
I think my plan worked too, I don’t feel all bloated and icky. And the other bonus, I’ve got myself back into my exercise routine which had gone a little out the window over the last week or two! Now to keep it all up!
My new plan is back to keeping a bit more of an eye on what I’m eating … and how many chocolates I am eating! Would you like to join me?
Do you have a plan to work off all of your Easter treats? What will you be doing?
Keep an eye out for a new workout this week that you can do at home! No excuses!!
Vic x