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The warm weather is on its way … which means Summer is coming! Time to start stripping off the layers and showing your beautifully toned limbs … or not?

All the usual catch phrases and buzz words are flying around and if you haven’t tried this seasons IT diet then clearly you aren’t that serious about getting your summer body.

Who believes that rubbish anyway?

Can you get your bikini body in 8 weeks?

Maybe …  do you have a bikini to put on your body, or do you need to go shopping?

Should you have been working on your summer body during winter?

Hmmm, probably … but if you didn’t, don’t panic, it’s not too late to develop some new habits.

Should you really be doing a little bit more about your health & fitness?

Maybe … we could all probably make a few changes and introduce some healthy habits into our lifestyle. Realistically it’s hard work .. you know, life can sometimes get in the way of your best intentions!

If your only goal is to be fit, be happy, be confident and feel great for summer, then it’s not too late!
Yes, it can be done!


Here’s my ” Get Ready for Summer Plan ” to help you … 

Set realistic & achievable goals     create your goals around actions that you need to do to achieve your goals. Plan workouts you are actually able to do … Start small and work your way up! A bonus is that you will feel proud of all your achievements! Now reward those actions!

Enjoy     find an exercise that you enjoy doing.  It will be so much easier to stick with if you look forward to your workout. Forcing yourself to exercise is certainly not fun or motivating!

Find a workout partner     someone who might have similar goals to you. Keep each other honest and accountable. Motivate, support and encourage each other and celebrate your success together!

Focus on food     eating a healthy, balanced diet every day will help you look good and feel great! A little relaxed treat once or twice a week is totally acceptable and I encourage my clients to do this! You do not need to cut out carbs, gluten, sugar or dairy to be fit and healthy ( unless of course your doctor says you need to for a medical reason ).

Prioritise     this time is important to you and for you.  Plan it into your day / wee but be prepared for the unexpected because life, kids, work will sometimes get in the way of your best laid plans. Don’t let it throw you off your game! Participation not Perfection!


Self Care     you are important so you should treat yourself as such. A little self love and self appreciation can go a long way! And make you feel good in the process!

Get expert advice     Me! I love helping women get started with their health & fitness and find out just how strong and amazing they can be!

How easy does that plan sound?

My challenge to you now is to get your plan ready and go!

Do you need some extra motivation and all want a heap of resources to help you get your mojo on … for less than $5 per week you can be an AH&F member

Check out all the details by clicking below
