Don’t tell me you skipped it because I won’t listen … lalalalalalalalala ( fingers in my ears )
Not really .. When you skip breakfast are you absolutely starving and can’t think straight by 10am? Then you fill up on lunch, then continue to nibble through out the day thereby making up and even over eating the calories you skipped at breakfast! Your body needed those breakfast calories to use as fuel to keep you buzzing during the morning! If you don’t eat breaky then you are running a little bit behind and your body will want to catch up .. by eating everything in sight.
Then what benefits are there for eating breakfast and helping you lose or control your weight?
- You are “breaking the fast” after not eating for 10 – 12 hours. When you eat breakfast your body knows to produce enzymes that you need to metabolise and help lose weight.
- Having a healthy balanced breakfast will fire you up and give you the energy that you need to keep going throughout the day especially if you have to work, chase kids, family and include exercise!
Now that I have convinced you to give breakfast a go, what should you eat?
- First up, some suggest eating within 30 minutes of waking. Some people don’t think they can face it that soon .. your choice, but don’t skip it. If you are training early in the morning, it’s a personal preference whether you eat before or after training. If you are going to be doing an intense training session, I would recommend having something before hand as it will give you extra fuel to put in a quality training session. Think optimal performance and benefits. You don’t want to pass out on the floor half way through your session! If you are going for a walk or light run, you decide .. just don’t leave it too long to get something in your belly.
- Next up, choose something that is filling and slow digesting, a mix of carbohydrate and protein is ideal. Not high in fat or sugar! Also, watch your portion sizes. It is really easy to overeat especially when you are chowing down cereal in the morning after a run! I also like to have a serve of fruit at breakfast because I don’t always feel the love for fruit later in the day!
What is on the breakfast menu at my house … I usually change it up each day. Can’t have the same thing twice, right?
- Muesli with berries .. I make my own muesli .. find the recipe is here
- One piece of wholegrain toast with an egg or two .. poached, boiled or scrambled. If you are doing scrambled don’t be adding too many extras like butter, milk, cheese! Also, your choice whether you want one egg / egg white. I usually have a whole egg + 1 egg white because even though the yolk has
some fat, it also has heaps of nutrients!
- Oats with berries .. I make my oats on water and then add about a tablespoon of milk because I still like it a little creamy!
Oh and a coffee! Don’t get in the way of my coffee!! Just be mindful of your coffee choice … a grande latte full of milk and vanilla syrup can add a heap of calories to your day!
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