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Are you ready to make your New Year’s resolutions for 2015? Do you even call them resolutions, or are you like me and prefer to call them goals?

I’m not totally obsessed with them, but I do like to have an idea of where I am going and what I want to do … if I don’t have something to work towards I feel a bit like I’m all over the place and not sure what I should be doing and when.  Does that even make sense?!

journal writing

So, with the end of 2014 only a few weeks away, I thought it might be a good time to suggest that you take 10 minutes, 15 minutes .. however long you want really … to sit down and reflect on your year.  While you are at it, you might also be ready to set some new health & fitness goals for 2015!  You know, “I’m going to get fit and exercise consistently” or “I’m going to lose that 10kg that I keep promising myself” …

Here are some questions to get you started on reflecting on this past year …

“Did I achieve the goals I set for myself?”

“Did I get as fit as I wanted to?”

“Did I lose the weight I wanted to?”

“Am I happy with the way I look and feel with regards to my health & fitness?”

If not, why not?  I know, you might not really want to answer some of these questions and it really doesn’t matter what the reasons (  or are they excuses? ) but it’s a great base for getting started thinking about what you really want from your health & fitness and what your goals could be for next year!

Don’t let it become too daunting, but it’s a great time to make a fresh start .. though definitely don’t give up on what you have done so far!

What can you change or improve on in 2015 with regard to your health & fitness?

What will you do differently in 2015 to get you closer to your goal?  More importantly, are you willing to commit to doing it to get what you want?

I don’t want to get all woo woo on you and delve too much but it’s a great idea to have in mind some things you would like to work towards especially if one of your goals is to improve your health & fitness .. and it doesn’t matter if you are already fit and healthy! Your goal might be to maintain your awesomeness!

If you would like a sounding board to have a chat about your health & fitness goals, I am happy to listen and provide some guidance if you need!

Stay healthy, Stay active

Vic x