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Who doesn’t need a little kick in the butt to stay in line with your healthy eating over the Christmas period?  I know I do … parties with family, friends, neighbours … there’s so much food!!  And yes, I could just say no and avoid the sweet table right?  But I’m human and I kinda like sweet treats!

One way to combat the calories adding up as you sip a champagne cocktail and nibble on a piece of shortbread is to skip meals … just don’t eat those calories and it will make it all balance out … ah, nope, at some stage you are going to eat those calories you cut and probably even more!

This is an important little tip to remember over the Christmas period and while you are maintaining your healthy eating routine … Don’t skip meals!

Why not?  I’m not going to go all nutritionist on you and tell you all the bad things you are doing to your health and metabolism.  Firstly, because I’m not a nutritionist and secondly because sometimes we do skip meals and that’s just how it is!  I’ve done it, so you’re not alone!

Apart from all the physiological reasons why skipping meals isn’t a good idea here are some of the more obvious reasons why skipping meals isn’t a good idea

healthy eating tips

  • when you skip meals you get hungry and I don’t know about you but when I’m hungry I can’t concentrate
  • you become irritable and the slightest thing can set you off on a tirade at the kids or whoever is nearby
  • you can start to feel lethargic .. you know the feeling when you just can’t be bothered because you are too tired .. and hungry
  • you will overeat at your next meal, oh yes you will! You know those calories you managed to avoid by skipping your meal, well stand back because you are about to inhale them in record time!

Instead, try to be a little more conscious of when and how you are fuelling your body to get you through the day.  These are my Christmas healthy eating tips

  • aim to eat at regular meal times, it may not be exactly to the chime on the clock but try not to leave it any longer than 4 hours between meals
  • ALWAYS eat breakfast … it will set you up and get you going for the day
  • try to balance out your meals as much as you can ie protein, carbs, good fats in each meal or snack
  • plan, plan, plan!  If you know you are going to be out and about plan for it and take a snack or lunch with you.  My favourite on the go snacks are protein bars, fruit & nuts with a wrap or a salad for lunch.
  • if you are going out, eat a light meal before you go so that you are not going into battle starving and find yourself reaching for every platter that passes by you

Don’t make a big deal of eating or not eating but try to maintain your usual healthy eating routine.  If you do find that you’ve skipped a meal make sure you eat a well balanced meal next time you are eating.  If you have found that you have eaten far too much, then keep an eye on what you will be putting in your mouth the next day.  Don’t regret it, don’t feel guilty, just move on and know that you probably enjoyed every mouthful!

What are your favourite healthy eating tips to get you through the Christmas period?