There are only 30 days until Christmas! I know, it’s THAT close! I’m really trying not to think about it because it just reminds me that I have not come anywhere near finishing my Christmas shopping!
And you know that goal you had of losing a dress size by Christmas, well you’ve only got 30 days left to make a difference!
Now I don’t want to see you give up and head to the fridge for an extra chocolate truffle thinking it will help … it won’t but in 30 days you can make a difference!
In that short time you can make changes to your mind, body and health that you will notice.
If you would like to join me, I’m on a last blast mission to be Christmas frock ready!
Each week we will have 3 challenges
A healthy mind challenge
A movement challenge
A healthy eating challenge
30 day Christmas Body Blast
Week One
Healthy mind challenge Banish those negative thoughts! Each negative thought should be replaced with a positive thought. The more positive thoughts you have the more you will think positively about the changes that you are making .. yep, it’s that simple! And yes, I know, at first it is quite difficult to change your thinking, but you are worth it and the changes you are making are worth it! Post it notes are a great way to remind yourself to have positive thoughts.
Movement challenge Your challenge is to move 5 days out of 7. What the?!?! I don’t expect a full on 60 minute sweat session on these 5 days, unless of course you really want to … a minimum of 15 minutes each day. It could be a walk around the block, a super fast home workout ( here’s one I prepared earlier ) or 5 minutes of dancing 3 times throughout the day. I want you to really move it! If you are super fit, super active then you need to change your workout up a bit or add in 15 minutes on an off day. Sometimes a change to your usual routine works wonders and shakes your body up a bit! If you are one of my clients ( or would like to be! ), check out my 30 day Christmas Blast special .. all group sessions guaranteed to leave you sweaty and rather huffy puffy!
Healthy eating challenge This is where the big changes are made! I am not expecting perfection, I am however asking for your 100% effort and participation! We are losing all the processed foods! I want you to chow down on fresh, whole foods .. those foods that make you feel great and feed your body the essential nutrients it needs to leave you feeling and looking super fine for Christmas! Remember I said participation, not perfection. Always make that extra effort to make the best choice, that is where the changes are made.
Now all that’s left is for you to plan your week! Take 5 minutes to sit down and set yourself some goals for the week … exercise plans, menu plans … let me know what you are planning ( if you want! ) and I will most definitely support you!
You know that it will be worth it and I will be working with you for the next 30 days too!
Let’s blast the next 30 days to Christmas and look amazing in our summer frocks!