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Again it was another busy week and weekend in our house and by Sunday night I was struggling to keep my eyes open.
Even though it was a busy week, I managed to keep to the training plan that I had decided on at the beginning of last week … sort of …

My training last week looked like this ..

Monday .. easy 6km run, gauging how many niggles I picked up after my long run the Saturday before.  Other than tiredish legs not too bad!

Tuesday .. No running today as I really should do a strength session.  Tuesday is also a work day for me.  Well if you call what I do work!

Wednesday .. First up a 3km fast-ish run in the morning.  Follow this up with another 3km run with Mr 7 as he learns to ride his bike.  Of course he picked got the whole riding thing down on this run and I was doing what would safely be called interval training!  Lots of fast running to keep up with him!

Thursday .. Another slow 3km run as I had planned a yoga session .. I didn’t do yoga.

Friday .. Rest day before Saturday’s long run. 

Saturday .. Longest run that I have done for years.  Well, since my last half marathon anyway.  10km and I was really happy with my pace and how I pulled up after!  Yay me!

I would really have like to have included the strength training and yoga session as I know it will help my running and help strengthen my hamstring which is finally settling down.  But they are first to get dropped off when I get busy and a bit tired.  I will try harder this week.

I have planned this week’s training already and at this point it looks like I should be able to stick with it!  Barring of course, unforeseen … 

Have you planned your training this week and scheduled those appointments with yourself?  Is it a realistic plan that you can stick to, or are you being a bit ambitious?