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Let’s talk motivation …
What gets you out the door to the gym, for a run or to get your chosen training session done? Or consistently eat a healthy, balanced diet?

Motivation is different to commitment .. commitment is what gets you to stick to your chosen training session until you reach your goal.

Everyone is motivated by different things and a lot of people are motivated by the same things.  Today I am sharing with you some of the things that motivate me ..

The number on the scales .. OK I’m human!  I like to make sure that number doesn’t get too high, but it’s probably not my number one motivation.

Setting goals .. this is probably closest to the top.  I like to have something to work toward.  When I don’t I tend to get a little off track and fiddle and fluff around with training.  Don’t get me wrong, this can be a good thing too, just to take a break and live life!

My health .. This is my number one motivation at the moment.  Maybe I’ve had the “OMG I’m 40 now!” moment but looking after myself ( and of course the family! ) is an absolute priority.  Yep, it’s all about me!  I would like to do everything I can to make certain that I’m healthy and able to move as I get older.

My clothes .. I am as much into shopping as the next fashionista ( hubby may disagree and argue that I’m a shopaholic so don’t ask him ) but I don’t particularly want to go and spend a fortune on new clothes because I have outgrown my current ones!

What I look like .. I told you I was human!  I want to look the best that I can and I know that I look that way when I follow a healthy, balanced diet and exercise regularly.  And here I will admit to being strict with both training and eating if I’m planning to eat ( or drink ) a few extras!  I don’t punish myself but I’m just a bit more careful!

How I feel .. this one follows closely on from what I look like.  I feel fitter, stronger and less jiggly and blah when I eat well and exercise.

As a role model .. I strongly believe that I should practice what I preach!  Not only for my family but as a Personal Trainer I want to be a role model for my clients.  My motto is that I won’t get my clients to do anything in training that I haven’t done myself .. let me just add that it gives me a HUGE amount of scope here!

There you have it .. what gets me through my training when motivation is lacking!

What motivates you?

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Vic x