This week is the start of the 12 week challenge at work.
Of course there is much excitement as is to be expected.
Lots of girls making new goals and commitments!
New habits will be created ( hopefully! ) and adhered to as a positive lifestyle choice.
With such important steps being taken ( not just those on the treadmill ), I thought I would do up a quick few points on what you should consider when starting out on a new exercise and nutrition program.
Those of you who are already well on your way with your new lifestyle changes may just want a refresher or look to changing your routine a little to get some more results.
Why start an exercise or nutrition program?
There are many different reasons why one would start an exercise and / or nutrition program …
These reasons are personal and everyone will have their own reasons. Provided you are realistic about your expectations … Get out there and go!
When to start out ..
See your doctor first for a check up and go ahead
NOW!! ( I thought I may not have mentioned it before .. )
What to do …
Anything that takes your fancy ..
When you start out you must work to your own ability and fitness levels. Don’t get over excited, a quick way to lose interest is to get an injury!
Enlist the help of the professionals .. Book some sessions with a PT
Visit a dietitian or nutritionist for expert advice
How to do it …
Eat a sensible BALANCED diet .. Check out my thoughts on fad diets here ..
Exercise to your ability and fitness level. Start out gradually and build .. ie every second day for 30 minutes and build from there. Everyone is different so don’t go comparing yourself to anyone else! You do what you can and with practice you WILL get better!
Rope a friend or family member in with you!! It’s more fun if there’s more than one!!
Most importantly, have fun and enjoy what you are doing!
Now that you have got yourself started I feel the need to remind you that this should not be for a predetermined period.
Many of the changes you make will be lifestyle changes that you can sustain on going.
Also, let me know if you have any questions and I’ll do my best to answer them!