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Again, I’m finding my head spinning ( literally, this morning! ) after rushing around to get everything done during the week.  I will admit, however, that I have not got done everything I would have liked to but I guess that’s just the way it goes.

After having a few weeks feeling off, and last week sick ( I don’t do sick well .. ) I seemed to have come back this week.  I’m making sure that I don’t go nuts and fall back in a heap!  So this week’s training looked like this …

Monday         Low Impact class
                       Circuit this time .. I really enjoyed and even felt the niggle of tired muscles!
Tuesday        I put myself through half a usual weights workout .. enough however to feel my
                      hamstrings after the deadlifts!
                      Followed up with a 20 minute hill walk on the TM.
                      About 40 minutes all up

Wednesday Legs a bit tired so I just jumped on the TM and did another hill walk
                      30 minutes
                      Did I mention I was feeling my legs, so I did a lovely 20 minute yoga stretching session
                      Felt so much better!

Thursday      Full body PT session .. basic strength and I even beat some little records of my own!
                     30 minutes

Friday           Bax was getting a little antsy this week with no walks so we went for a jog / walk
                      30 minutes
                      I found out this morning that Bax does not like hot air balloons … particularly when
                      they fire up right above us … seems like he likes to scare them away …  

I attended my CPR refresher course today, so I am all up to date with my CPR and First Aid.

There’s not much time to fit in workouts this weekend, and besides, I’m really looking forward to sleeping in just for a teeny, tiny minute or two!

I hope that everyone has had a great training week and made your sessions count!

Enjoy your weekend!

Fit Mum x