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This morning was the final long run before D day .. or GC Day .. and felt a few butterflies this morning when I woke up and thought about the 15km that I had scheduled.  Why? I don’t know. 

Again, I planned to wear the same clothes and have the same breakfast .. you know, just to make sure ( I’m a bit funny like that! ).  I wasn’t planning on taking my running partner, however when he saw the shoes and the hat go on he got a little excited!  One of the kids let him in the house and he bolted over to me and sat on my lap, knocking me over.  If you’ve had a rather large border collie sit on you, you will know what this feels like!

We headed out, gorgeous day I might add, and probably about 5 degrees warmer than next weekend will be! 

I am pleased to report that this last training run was uneventful, I ran and maintained a comfortable pace.  Yep, nothing to report! 

In other far more exciting news …

It’s the race bib .. we picked up the race kits this afternoon.  It’s all getting a bit real now!
Well, I’m off to pack it under my pillow and hope it gives me lots of speed on race day!  Only a few more sleeps!
Have a great week everyone, I hope that whatever training you are planning you have a strong session!
Stay focused,  Stay strong
Fit Mum x