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Just a quickie today … I really had planned it better.  I woke up with the alarm but the warm bed was just too much.  I knew I would have time later today .. well, hopefully I would. 
Nothing particularly to the training program, I just wanted to run 5km and not feel pressured to be fast or long. 
So I stayed in bed until we really had to get up and be ready for work and school.  I would squeeze that run in after work.
I got held up at work .. a bit late home and starving!! Light lunch and head off.
Then I got the phone call I was waiting for .. my new washing machine was going to be delivered earlier than expected! Imagine my excitement at being able to do the washing!?!  Needless to say, by the time it was delivered and installed it was time to pick the kids up.  Still no run …

Thankfully hubby came home early and decided to finish work from home. 
Quick change and I was out the door!

5km later I was home and rather pleased that I managed to squeeze it in!

Happy Fit Mum tonight!

Stay focused,  stay strong
Fit Mum x