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Did you make a New Year’s resolution?

Did you maybe resolve that you wanted to lose weight, get fitter or stronger?

How are you going with that?

Not to scare you or anything but … there are only 4 more weeks until Spring is here!

Ascent Health & Fitness

Which means we have to wear less clothing .. think maxi dresses, shorts, and even eeeeeekkkk swimmers!  Are you ready to start removing the layers that you have been wearing as your winter coat?

With only 4 more weeks until spring it’s time to start thinking about what you can do to improve your health and fitness so that you can be the fittest and strongest that you can be … be the healthy, active woman that you want to be!

I have a few training spots left available during the week so give me a call or send me a message to book in and get started!  For extra motivation why not join one of the group training sessions?  If you are not ready now, I have put a Spring Special package together that will get you going in September so stay tuned!

Stay active, stay healthy!
